We are a small team but we are always open if you want to join us for a postdoc, phd, master or short research stays.
Hsiao-Hang TAO
MarieCurie Postdoc
Hsiao is working on understanding changes in the stability of North Sea cod.
PhD student
Antoine is working on modelling seagrass ecosystems and their blue carbon potential (co-supevised with Elisa Thebault).
Alejandro is working on the ANR-FishAtRisk project on the detection of abrupt changes in global fisheries.
Emilio MORA
Emilio is working on the ANR-ENEMYCOCKTAIL project modelling multitrophic interactions to design better pest biocontrol practices.
Krishna GIRISH
research assistant
Krishna is working on the EU-CLIMTIP project aiming to quantify species risk to extinction to future climatic tipping points using niche modelling.
Latest News
Launch of EU project ClimTip
We are participating in the EU Horizon funded ClimTip project that kicked-off earlier in March 2023. The project aims to quantify the impacts of climate tipping points on Earth systems[…]
Read moreThe Global Tipping Points Report launched at COP28
The Global Tipping Points Report is the most comprehensive assessment of negative and positive tipping points ever conducted. It says humanity is currently on a disastrous trajectory. The speed of[…]
Read moreFarmland practices are driving bird populations decline across Europe
Biodiversity is exposed to increasing pressure by climate and land use changes. But how are species responding to these pressures and which pressure is more dominant remain controversial questions. In[…]
Read moreContact
BioDICée team
Institut des Sciences de l’Evolution de Montpellier (ISEM)
CNRS UMR 5554, Building 22, 2nd floor
Université de Montpellier – CC065,
place Eugène Bataillon
34095 Montpellier cedex 05, France
Tel: +33 4 67 14 40 81
vasilis.dakos [at]